What we did in science this week we got two different animals just like last week and we did the same thing we had to look at it and see what it has in his on his body parts. take notes, take photos then labels the body parts of the animals. Our animal was a perch (fish) we had to label let say the tail. After we label what we had to label we got to open the body to see the inside we took everything out I found the heart, and other parts.
What we learned:

WHATS SAME AND DIFFERENT: There are some thing that are the same and different about the skate and perch. Both skate and perch has gill to breath throw. The only thing different about that is that on the perch the gill are in each side of the body and for the skate the gill are in the bottom of the skate because its flat. Another thing the same and different about the skate and perch is that the perch lives in freshwater and skate lives in slat water.