Monday, December 12, 2011

crickets behavior investagation

  Testable Question: Do crickets like the light or dark environment ?

hypothesis:  If we put cricket in a light or dark  environment i think that the crickets  are going to like the dark better then the  light because  cricket are  nocturnal  which means that they sleep in the day time and there up at night. So because the are use to the darkness the are going to  be in the dark side most. 

 Things crickets need/or do: Cricket chirp at different  rates  depending on their species and the temperature of their  environment. Cricket also like all other insects, only the male cricket amnivores and scavers feeding on orgonic materials, as well as decaying plant  material, fungi and seeding plant.

What we did :  What  I did to set up my data   was first we got a toub and we put paper to go on one end  of the toub.  Then we put it in with the crickets and the we had to wait to see if the would go in it, if the go in  it means the they like the dark better than the light. We waited for one min to see what would happen if they would go in it  nothing happen the 2nd time we did it for 2 min  nothing happen. From this we can tell that they may not like the toub.

What it learned :  What we learned was  that my data does not go with  my hypothesis because i thought that the crickets would like the dark the most but that was not what happen they stayed  in the light. We moved the toub  around to make sure that they saw it but wouldn't go in it.

1 comment:

  1. i liked the way you described the crickets. you showed alot of different information.
